Wednesday 6 August 2014

7 Basic Tips To Get Google Adsense Approval Fast

7 Basic Tips To Get Google Adsense Approval Fast

7 major tips op aprove adsense fastNow a days Google Adsense is the only thing that new as well as some old bloggers finds very difficult to get approved. But No this is wrong, it’s very easy to get approved your Adsense account if you know some right step. After approving of my Adsense account from Google in just 2 months on one of my new blog with only 76 posts, I have received a lot of messages on Facebook to explore the secret behind it. I will simply say here one sentence. Google is our teacher. And from teacher nothing is hidden either we give the answer from a book, our mind or we copy it from our friend paper during exams. Same in the case of online world. Never ever try to use any trick to approve an Adsense account. It’s possible at any point that Google will catch you and will ban your site or account immediately. And so you will lose all of your money, reputation, and Authority.
In this post I will share those steps which I have adopted for my new blog and in return got approved by Adsense.
So below are some tactics by adopting it on your blog will hopefully provide your Adsense account in a short period.

1-      Domain Age:

For some countries like Pakistan and India, your domain should need to be 6 months old to apply for an Adsense account. But here Google checks one thing if your blog is receiving good traffic from European countries, your articles are unique and people are responding to your post in the form of comments and how much time they stay on your blog.  If the above all points appear in your blog. Then you should go and apply for Adsense. (The domain age restriction is in Pakistan, India and some other countries due to high fraudulent activities).

2-      Contents:

As almost everyone knows that Google love Quality contents, quality contents are the key of success. Try to write 40-50 Great quality contents for your readers as well as Google (350 words + one article). Google is designed in a way to reward such website which have great quality contents that benefit someone.

3-      Submit Sitemap:

One of the most and essential step is to submit your blog sitemap, if you want your site to be recognized by Google or other search engines. Many of us have a sitemap but if you don’t have especially newbies try to add it as soon as possible. If you don’t know the procedure, simple Google it. A lot of tutorials are available there.

4-      Commenting:

Commenting is another great way which not only help you in bringing more traffic, but also provide backlink, credibility, authority, social interaction with other bloggers and popularity. So before going to apply for Adsense you should post 100 or upward comments on others blogs. One thing to be noted to don’t comment like very nice post, nice to see you with such a great article. Or I agree with you. Try to add valuable comments to inspire others and force them to check your blog too.

5-      Traffic:

If you have a blog with an Adsense account but no traffic or low traffic, so you will not generate any income, as a way someone who has needs you’ll be lured to click all on your own ads that is against Google Adsense policy. Because of this, why Google won’t pay a blog without traffic, before to apply for Google Adsense 30 to 50% of your traffic should be coming from search engines.

6-      Alexa Rank:

Alexa is not much important for Google Adsense, but you can use this to determine if your websites are well trafficked or otherwise, you will need to bring more traffic to your website to rank below 1 million on Alexa. This can help you determine how trafficked you blog is as well as what steps to take in growing your blog.

7-      Simple mistakes you ought to avoid:

I added this because I would like you to acquire all of it right, when looking for Adsense you should carefully fill out your details, don’t be in a worry to submit the application review it as much as twice before submitting it. Your address as well as your details should be complete and correct if you want your account being approved by Adsense.

Final Conclusion:

By following these tips you’ll be able to get approved for Google Adsense, this is one way through which my 2 month old blog approved for Adsense. With these easy steps many bloggers got approved for Adsense while researching during the time of applying.
If you have any question or additional techniques for getting approved for Adsense kindly leave a comment within the below comment box. (Google adsense

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