Wednesday 6 August 2014

Tips to Increase Your Blog Traffic

Blog is one of greatest source through which you connect with people and share your ideas, convey your massage to people, it also a source of earning money by posting or by advertising your own product etc. for successful blogging it is necessary that you have high traffic on your blog. But the question is that who to increase blog traffic.
Here I share some points to you people that how to increase your blog traffic,

1. Post consistently:

When people visit to your blog defiantly they expect that to find something new and useful. The more you post the better chance to increase your blog traffic. So you must post regularly to achieve a high result, do commitment on yourself that you must post at least once a day.
In this way your reader will take more interest and increase your blog traffic.

2. Respond your reader:

When your reader comments, you must respond to them. Always respect your readers. Must answer the questions which you received from your readers, this will encourage them to come back to your blog.

3. Error free post:

Check your article several times before posting. Your article must be free from any type of error. When your reader see any mistake in your post it decrease your traffic, they never come back to your site.

4. Use key words:

It is essential that you adding a keywords at the time of witting new post. (Adwords keywords Tool) is free tools from Google to help you in such case. It is beneficial because the search engine will easily understand your post and in this way you will be get high rank on search engine.

5. Use different twitter:

To share your post you must use different twitter, like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn. As we know that face book, Google and LinkedIn has many active users i.e. face book has over 850 million active users, Google has also 100 million nearly and LinkedIn is also over 230 million active users. Through these sources you easily connect with different people, you have also chance to find new connection through these twitters. In short you use multiple of platform and network to promote, publish your articles, content and post, etc.

6. Blog design:

Your blog design must be attractive, make sure that your blog design is unique, easy and simple. As I always discus this point in my articles that design kept more importance, it is like cover of the book, it must be pleasant professional looking. It greatly affects your blog traffic.

7. Make your site easy to use:

You must try to make easy your blog for readers. Make sure that your website can be easily read on mobile devices.
  • Pave a way for people that they easily share your content with twitter retweet button.
  • Also give easy way to the people to share your content with a Pinterest sharing button.
In short you should try to make easy your site for the users.

8. Post popular topics:

If an event occurs or there are several important news that people talking about that, so this is a golden chance for you to increase your reader. You must take advantage from such events you must write about them. Also discus controversy topic in your blog.

i. Optimize your site for search engine

It is necessary that you must submit your site to search engine. Especially if you have small business and want to extend your business. If you want that lot of people see and visit your site, then you must take this action SEO allows your website to get more traffic.

ii. Be patient

Keep in mind that generating organic traffic is a slow process. You must be patient. It is a chance that your blog traffic increases within weeks but here also possibility that the blog traffic decreases. It is step by step process; you must work hard and wait for significance result.
These are some important points which are necessary to follow if you want to boost up your blog traffic. Beside this some other steps are also taken like,
  • You must include multiple locations for people to subscribe.
  •  To archives on your blog you must provide links.
  •  Give list of your most popular post.
  • Also copy and follow the top strategies of blog experts.
  • You must link to your blog in your email signature.
  • Also give link of your blog on face book and share your article on face book.
  • Run webinar to capture many emails.
  • The email subscriber box must be in a prominent location.
  • RSS feed option must be included in your blog.
  • In your post you must write sub-titles with key words.
  • Guest post on other blog.
These are some tips to increase blog or website traffic, if you have any other important suggestion please share it also. Thanks.

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