Wednesday 6 August 2014

Top 5 Tips to Make Your Website Visible To Google

Every Entrepreneur should know the Rule of Writing or updating their work on a regular basis to keep engage him/herself with the Audience or Google Search Engine for getting more benefits. Writing blog contents are also one of the strategy among them to keep connected and visible to Google and readers to your blog for better online marketing
One of the other fact also comes true that writing contents on a regular basis may boost your traffic, while adopting few other easy things may give you more exposure.
WordPress makes a blogger life easier to manage his/her blog by doing a few basic steps or by installing the plugins one can make their blog more visible to Google and customers in a very short period of time.

Look for Engine Visibility

Making yourself more visible to Google is one of the best ways to produce or get more number of visitors to your weblog, by adopting or using a few source you can make your blog more user and search engine friendly according to the Google and customer needs.

Keyword Research

The first strategy to make your blog more user friendly or more visible to google is the use of top class keywords or a list of related keywords related to the post for which people are searching, this tool will also show you the number of search results which people are doing for a particular product or topic.
Best Essential Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

Yoast SEO Plugin

Optimization of blog content is one of the essential priorities of every individual to get more traffic from google. SEO by yoast is one of the best choice for such individual which is quite easy. Just go to yoast box, Enter the focus keyword which you are targeting. Enter the SEO title in the Title box, fill the eye catching Meta description to attract the viewer and hit publish. You will see a green, yellow and red signal near publish button. Green means the post is optimized, Yellow means it require some attention, either the keyword is not correct, the text size is small or any other problem. And Red means your keyword density is more than the requirement.

Social media Exposure

The 2nd Thing after writing content is social media activity. More likes and share mean number of people want to explore the knowledge with others. Fortunately, there are a few resources that will help you to do this.
Major Benefits of Google Plus
Best Essential Tips to Increase Blog Traffic
How to increase your website traffic through social media?
WordPress to Twitter
This is one of the best plugin which make it possible for you to publish your content directly on twitter without any delay, and so your follower will know about your new publication. This is one of the simplest and fast tool for sharing content on twitter.

Add This

Almost every blog has social media sharing button on their blog for making it easy for users to share the article on diffract social media for getting more exposure. Add this is one of the best tools which perform in outstanding job by telling the blog owner about the blog state that where and how many individuals are sharing the content. It doesn’t require any skills. The creation is too simple by installing it from plugin directory or direct from the website.
These are some of the basic tactics of how making your blog more visible to google or search engine, in case of any query or further addition, hit the below comment box. We will be happy to hear something from you

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